Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years!

I am a firm believer that the new years resolutions need to be made on one's birthday.  It's a new year for you.

But aside from that, I'm resolving to drop some pounds.  I want weigh 180 in 180 days.  It's doable.  It does mean that I need to lay off the sodas, which has always been a challenge.  I like the caffeine, the sugar and the way they taste.  Hooked?  Assuredly.  Can I quit for 180 days?  Likely.

The trouble is when I quit cold turkey, I frequently fail and then I am binge-ing until I start over.  So this time it will be quitting, but a smarter, controlled quit.  Wish me luck with this!

I've also got some educational goals, but I'm superstitious, so I'm not talking about it as I don't want to jinx myself.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hey Mark- I gained a ton of weight when I was pregnant with Oliver. I didn't start losing weight until after I started keeping track of every calorie I ate. I really like:
but Chad uses
I just type in what I eat and it calculates the calories for me. You can type in what you weigh and how much weight you want to lose and it will tell you how many calories you need to eat daily. Good luck!

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