Sunday, November 05, 2006


Remember the theremin? It is that cool musical "instrument" that was used in the soundtrack of old '50 horror movies. You would play it by placing your hand into an electro-magnetic field and the theremin would respond with a high-pitched whine. Move your hand and change the sound. The only problem is it only made one type of sound.

So jump ahead 50 years of so to, oh maybe today? and face up to the future. This is where the Reactable enters the picture. Like the theremin of ye olde tyme, the Reactable generates sound based on location of parts. Only the parts are digitally encoded blocks that are moved around on an illumenisent table. Turn and move the blocks to modify sound. Add additional blocks to modulate the sound or add beats. I have been into the home made 'chip' sounds lately, especially the Norwegian Binaerpilot. It is going to be fun to see what new artists are able to do with this new technology.

For more info on the reactable, as well as some cool pictures click here.

Or if you just want to keep up with regular theremin news, then by all means click here.

Or read up on my favorite musicians,Dr. Samuel Hoffman

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