Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cow Tools

Back in the 80's, cartoonist Gary Larson penned one of his Far Side comics that promptly put the nation into hysterics. Not that it was hilarious. Because it wasn't. The cartoon, titled "Cow Tools" depicted a bovine overlooking his handiwork at some primitive tools. The problem was the tools didn't really look like tools, and the reader was left in the position that if the purpose of the tools weren't understood, the comics meaning would be lost to the reader. And the reader naturally didn't have a chance.

Forward to 2005. Last December, a Sunday version of the comic BC came out and suddenly it is Cow Tools all over again. Well, except that nobody cares about BC, while the Far Side was about the funniest strip anywhere.

The problem? I live in a paradigm where things need to make sense. If something isn't making sense, I need to stew on it until it does.

So, if anyone could explain this monstrosity, I'd appreciate it.

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