Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'm not Catholic, but I'm loaded with vices all the same. Just like every other human.

So, after good ol' fat Tuesday, I'm giving up some things for the next 40 days. I'll be giving (or at least trying) to give up some of my bitterness and anger. Not that there is a lot, but I've had some things that have been eating at me lately. It is time to let them go. I am tired of letting any anger I feel get in the way of what I want to get done. Besides, I am starting to wonder if I have been isolating any one who needs my help of friendship. So long Captain Me-Planet! Hello Mr. somebody who isn't a total bozo.


Anonymous said...

Good luck Mark. Today I said something mean.. sort of bitter.. it was about that "alternative" music.. isn't it mainstream now? whetev.
So there I was, .. what was I going to give up for Lent.. This morning I gave up my hot shower for a colder one. I would like to give up my poverty..

Mark J. said...

It's all about giving up things. Last year, I gave up Lent.

Anonymous said...

The other day I was taking a cold shower and I thought, "what did somebody use up all the cold water"? The shower wasn't cold enough. This Lent thing is weird.

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