Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October wrap-up.

Remember the month of general confusion? Yup, that was October for ya. From dating to halloween. Yup, giant mess. So to re-cap:

1. Halloween. To dress up or not to dress up?
Sure I said no, but some friends lined me up on a date for a Halloween party, so I dressed up as a classic 1980's style nerd (yeah, not a big stretch, I know). It was fun.

2. The Christmas Card.
Since the clowns at Wal-mart lost my film, I had to do a new photoshoot. Which I did last sunday. My good friend Jessie was nice enough to help me out. I'll post the card a bit closer to X-mas, but here is a shot that was rejected. Notice that I am smiling in it.

3. Dating.
I had the talk with the beautiful woman that I love, but she is still sure that it was not meant to be. So back to square one.

I also had a fiasco with some tickets to the Utah Jazz that my brother gave me. Since I only got the tickets the day before, all the girls I asked to go already had plans. Then a friend of mine got a date for me (which made me angry, but I got over it) but I wasn't able to get a hold of her in time, so I gave the tickets to my folks. Who gave them back to me and my kid sister. So we saw the game, but not before I got turned down a bunch of times by a lot of girls. So note to self: Ask with plenty of time to spare.

4. My writing.
I've heard that back on that paper I had submitted to the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament. They still hadn't heard back from their reviewer yet, so it is back to waiting as usual.

5. My DVD.
I started the DVD. It is tricky to figure out the software but I started it.

6. General auto repair.
I fixed the passenger side mirror on my car and replaced the center console. So, yeah. I got that done.

7. My website.
I was able to review my content and secure a domain name. So, that's progress as well.

November should be just as productive and hopefully less confusing.


Anonymous said...

I was pretty sure I read you had submitted a paper to be accepted into the Old Testament. I just wanted to wish you luck on that one...

Mark J. said...

Thanks! If nothing ever comes of it, maybe I'll post it here.

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