Monday, December 04, 2006

The mustache report:

As I expected, the 'stash' didn't survive longer than a week and a half. As you all know, one of the many traits I share with my main man Chuck Norris is that we are both dyed-in-the-wool blondies. Serious toe-heads. As such, the required facial hair we need for our tough guy appearance is difficult to maintain. I'm pretty sure my main man Chuck Norris enhances his beard and stash with a bit of Just For Men. I tried it, but I only looked like my face was dirty. So I shaved it off. I wonder how long it will take me to forget that I don't look good in a mustache and try again? Likely before 2010.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the secret is to let is grow for a week, then shave it off. Let it grow for another week, then shave it off. Then let it grow.

-- Jahn

Mark J. said...

Well, nuts! Now I'm tempted to try again.

Joy said...

Go for it!

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