Monday, February 06, 2006

Mondays just blow chunks sometimes.

Anyway, I've been thinking about my February resolutions, and I have decided to keep them to a mimimum. That way, I can feel like I am getting more accomplished. So...

1. Be in bed by midnight. It's tough to get any sleep if I am up till 3 AM working on some dumb project. It's a start.

2. Don't sweat it that Valentine's Day is fast approaching and I have rather little going on in that dept. Society can just go and sit on it.

3. Have some kind of date by the end of the month. As unenthused as I am about dating, I at least ought to start putting a little effort into it.

That's it. I've got lots of other activities happening, but you don't need to hear about thems quite yet.

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